Quantum Computing textbooks and review articles


  • M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang,"Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" (Cambridge, 2000).
  • D. Bouwmeester, "The Physics of Quantum Information" (Springer, 2000).
  • H.K. Lo, T. Spiller, S. Popescu, "Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information" (World Scientific, 1998).
  • G. P. Berman, "Introduction to Quantum Computers" (World Scientific, 1998).
  • Mika Hirvensalo,"Quantum Computing" (Springer, 2004).
  • Ranee K. Brylinski and Goong Chen, "Mathematics of Quantum Computation" (Chapman & Hall/CRC 2002)
  • D. Brub and G Leuchs, "Lectures on Quantum Information", (John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2006).
  • G.V. Assche, "Quantum Cryptography and Secret-Key Distillation", (Cambridge University Press, 2006).
  • M. Le Bellac, "A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation", (Cambridge University Press, 2006).
  • A.O. Pittenger, "An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms", (Birkhauser, 2001).
  • Y. Hardy, W.H. Steeb, "Classical and Quantum Computing: With C++ and Java Simulations", (Birkhauser, 2002).
  • D. Heiss (ed), "Fundamentals of Quantum Information: Quantum Computation, Communication, Decoherence, and All That", (Springer, 2003).

    Reveiw Articles

  • A. Ekert, P. Hayden, H. Inamori, "Basic concepts in quantum computation", LANL preprint quant-ph/0011013 (2000).
  • D. Gottesman and H-K. Lo, "From Quantum Cheating to Quantum Security", Physics Today, Nov. 2000, 22 (2000).
  • A. Steane, "Quantum computing", Rep. Prog. Phys. 61, 117-173 (1998).
  • V. Vedral and M. B. Plenio, "Basics of quantum computation", Prog. Quant. Electron 22, 1-39 (1998).
  • A. Zeilinger, " Fundamentals of quantum information", Physics World, 11, March 1998.
  • Guido Burkard,"Theory of solid-state quantum information processing", cond-mat/0409626 preprint.
  • P. Kok, et. al.,"Linear optical quantum computing", quant-ph/0512071 (2006).
  • J.F. Traub, "The Next Big Thing?", Scientific American, Feb. 2003.
  • C.G. Timson, "Philosophical Aspects of Quantum Computing", quant-ph/061187 (2006).
  • W.A. Coish and D. Loss, "Quantum computing with spins in solids", cont-mat/0606550 (2006).
  • Quantum Physics preprint archive. Includes preprints of many articles on quantum information.