
Data Structures --- Lecture Notes for Week 1



Problem Solving and Software Engineering


Classes and Objects


Software Engineering - provides techniques to facilitate the development of computer programs. Emphasis is placed on issues of efficiency, reliability, and reusability of the code.


Software development has many phases.

Life Cycle of Software (9 main phases)

1. Specification

2. Design

3. Risk Analysis

4. Verification

5. Coding

6. Testing

7. Refining

8. Production

9. Maintenance



Problem Solving in Computer Science - process of taking a problem and developing a computer program that solves the problem. Solution generally involves many phases. Top-down design process and step-wise refinement are important concepts.


Solution involves two main components: Algorithms & Data Structures.  There is a book entitled:

Programming = Algorithms + Data Structures


Algorithm - Finite, step-by-step method for solving a problem, i.e., a recipe


Data Structure - Construct to store a collection of data together with a set of operations, i.e., implements an ADT (Abstract Data Type).


An ADT is simply an abstract collection or set of elements and a collection of well defined operations on the set.


C++ uses classes and objects to implement ADTs.


Chapter 3 (ADT's)


Examples 1: Integer ADT


Data Attributes: whole numbers


Operations: Add(), Subtract(), Multiply(), Divide()



Example 2: Rational ADT


Data Attributes: Pairs of whole numbers (a/b)



Constructors – default, specific, copy

Arithmetic -- Add(), Subtract(), Multiply(), Divide()

Relational – Lessthan(), Equal()

I/O: Extract(), Insert()

Mutators: SetNum(), Set Denom()

Inspectors: GetNum(), GetDenom()


Here are links to the sample codes:

ratclient.cpp – Client code with object definitions and use
rational.h – Class definition
rational.cpp – Class implementation



 To compile and run the code --do the following


> g++ -c rational.cpp

> g++ ratclient.cpp rational.o

> ./a.out


Enter rational number (a/b): 1/2

Enter rational number (a/b): 2/3

1/2 + 2/3 = 7/6

1/2 * 2/3 = 2/6





Example 3: Stack ADT


Data Attibutes: list items (where item is some data type)




1. Create empty stack

2. Destroy stack

3. Determine whether stack is empty

4. Add new item  (Push)

5. Remove item (Pop)

6. Retrieve item


An important ADT that occurs often in practice is the list ADT.  The operations for the list ADT may vary depending on the application.


Typical list operations include:


1. Create empty list

2. Destroy list

3. Determine list stack is empty

4. Determine size of list

5. Insert item at a given position in list

6. Delete an item at a given position in list

7. Retrieve an item from a given position in list

8. Sort the list


Implementing Data Structure in C++


C++ is on object oriented language.  We will use this feature when programming data structures. Thus, we will create the user-defined data structure class, e.g., list class, stack class, queue class,

graph class, etc.  Program that use these class will define objects from the classes an utilize them in the rogram.


Four Major Components of programming a user-defined class and its associated objects.


Defining and implementing class


1. Class Interface - class definition

2. Class Implementation - code for operations, i.e., member functions


Defining and utilizing objects of class


3. Definition (Declaration) of Objects

4. Utilization of Object in Program



See code samples for full Rational Class Implementation.