20 ECES 122: Computer Science 2 --- Syllabus

Instructor: Fred Annexstein
Office: 889 Rhodes (Office Hours: TBA)
Phone: 556-1807
Email: fred.annexstein@uc.edu
Web: http://www.ececs.uc.edu/~annexste

                 A Brief Summary of Some Basic UNIX commands               

A working directory is the directory where you're currently working.
For example you may be in the directory ~/cs/cs122/homework.  Some basic
commands for navigating UNIX's directory structure are:

Commands                     Explanations
pwd      "print working directory" displays the working directory
cd       "change directory" changes working directory.  For example,
         cd   (changes to your root directory)
         cd ~/cs122  (changes to the subdirectory cs122 of your root directory
mkdir     "make directory" 
rmdir    "remove directory" 
ls       "list"  lists all files in the working directory, 
               except those that begin with a period.  
         To also list files that begin with a period use ls -a 
cat      "concatenate" displays to the standard output the contents of the
             files listed, e.g.,    cat prog1.cc test.cc junk
             will display contents of files prog1.cc, test.cc, and junk

pr       "print" behaves the same as the cat command except that it does 
               some formatting

grep     "grab regular expression" can be used to search a file for a pattern.
          For example,    grep fiddle *.tex
          finds all occurrences in the files that end with extension .tex, 
          and displays to the standard output any line in the file that 
          contains the pattern fiddle

man         "manual" gives manual information on , e.g.,
                      man grep     displays manual pages on the command grep

cp        "copy"  to 
mv        "move"  to 
rm       "remove' deletes file .  
                rm -i will give prompt before deleting

               Converts a DOS file to a UNIX file, i.e., removes extraneous 
               control characters

In UNIX, the standard input may be redirected using <, and the
standard output redirected using >.  For example, 
a.out < prog.dat 

causes a.out to read from the file prog.dat instead of from the
standard input (e.g., keyboard), and 

a.out > prog.out

causes a.out to write to the file prog.out instead of the standard
output (e.g., monitor).  Both input and output can be redirected, e.g.
a.out < prog.dat > prog.out

		Editing Files
The preferred editor to use is emacs or xemacs.

Emacs commands generally involve the CONTROL key (sometimes labeled
CTRL or CTL) or the META key.  Rather than write that in full each
time, we'll use the following abbreviations:

 C-  means hold the CONTROL key while typing the character 
	  Thus, C-f would be: hold the CONTROL key and type f.
 M-  means hold the META or EDIT or ALT key down while typing .
	  Often there is no META, EDIT or ALT key, so instead press and 
          release the ESC key and then type .  We write  
          for the ESC key.

Important note: to end the Emacs session, type C-x C-c.  (Two characters.)

To run the emacs tutorial: type C-h t.

		Compiling C++ Code
We will be using the Gnu g++ compiler. Here is an example 

$ g++ -c ListA.cpp     --- Compiles a module with no executable
$ g++ main.cpp ListA.o --- Compiles main.cpp and links with object code
                       --- and creates an executable called a.out
$ ./a.out              --- Runs the executable

Emacs provides a good environment for developing code.
In emacs type: M-x compile .
You will get a  prompt -- Compile command:
At this prompt type your command,  e.g. Compile command:g++ main.cpp ListA.o 
A window will be created. If you click the middle mouse button on
an error statement, the editor will bounce you to that line.
