121: Computer Science 1 --- Lectures March 2,5


Strings and Pointers

Call by Reference with pointers
Sorting routine Bubblesort
Pointer arithmetic and arrays  

Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation

Discussion of example in Section 5.10 (Pages 333-338). Program Fig05_24.cpp


Call by Reference with Pointers

There are three ways to pass arguments to a function in C++, call-by-value, call-by-reference with reference arguments and call-by-reference with pointer arguments. We have already seen the first two ways. The following function utilizes call by references with pointers

void Square(int *NumberPtr) 
    *NumberPtr = *NumberPtr * *NumberPtr:

When this function is invoked in the main program, e.g.,

int main()
    int Number = 5;
    cout << "\nThe new value of number is " << Number;
    return 0;

the new value of Number is 25. The following illustrates the swap function using call-by-reference with pointers.

Swap function

void Swap(int *, int *);
int main()
{          int Number1, Number2;
            cout << "Enter two integers: ";
            cin >> Number1 >> Number2;
            cout << "\nSwapped numbers are: " << Number1 << '\t' << Number2 << "\n\n";
    return 0;

}//END main()

void Swap (int *Element1Ptr, int *Element2Ptr)

{          int Temp = *Element1Ptr;
            *Element1Ptr = *Element2Ptr;
            *Element2Ptr = Temp;

}//END Swap()

The following is a rewrite of the program involving sorting grades where the functions including Insertion Sort use call-by-reference with pointers.

Insertion Sort

In class we will discuss Bubblesort. A discussion of Bubblesort is given in Section 4.7 on page 245 of text. Bubblesort using call-by-reference with pointers is discussed in Section 5.6 on page 299 of text. The following is a rewrite of the program involving sorting grades, where Bubblesort using call-by-reference with pointers is called instead of Insertionsort.


Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays

Consider the example

int Numbers = {23, 5, 6, 7, 11};

int *NumPtr = &Number[0]

Then, *NumPtr = 23


*(NumPrt + 1) = 5, *(NumPrt + 2) = 6, *(NumPrt + 3) = 7, (NumPrt + 4) = 11

Now suppose we execute:


Then, *NumPtr = 5