121: Computer Science 1 --- Week 4, Lecture January 16


Top-Down Design
Step-wise refinement
Algorithm Design
Repitition using For loops


Write a program that will compute all Pythagorean triples, such as (3,4,5), (5,12,13), etc. A high-level description might be as follow:

0. Input an integer bound b
1. Generate all possible ints A < b, and for each such A
2. Generate all possible ints B < b, and for each such B
3. Generate all possible ints C < b, and for each such C
4. Test whether A^2 + B^2 = C^2, if so print the triple

Now it makes sense to keep only those solutions in sorted order, since otherwise we would have redundency.

A more refined pseudocode would be:
1. Prompt and input b
2. for each A from 1 to b do
3. for each B from A to b do
4. for each C from B to b do

Here is the final source code solution:

// Example from Class 121 January 25, 2001
// A program to generate all Pythagorean triples.

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;

int main()
cout << " This program generates all Pythogrean triples up to some bound\n"; 
cout << " Enter a bound: ";
int b;
cin >> b
for (int A=1; A <= b; A++)
	for (int B=A; B <= b; B++)
		for (int C=B+1; C <= b; C++)
			if ((A*A + B*B) == C*C)
				cout << A << "\t" << B << "\t" << C << " is a Pythagorean triple\n";

cout << "\nHit key to finish\n";
char c; cin >> c;

			return 0;