121: Lab Program 4

Title: Program efficiency and computing prime numbers

Topics covered: Modular Programming and Functions

Purpose: Gain experience writing and using functions. Analyzing program efficiency.

Description: An integer is said to be prime if it is divisible by only 1 and itself. For example. 2,3,5,7, and 11 are prime, but 4,6,8,9, and 10 are not. You are to write a function that determines whether a number (given as a parameter) is prime or not. Your function should return value 1 if the number is prime, and return value 0 if the number is not prime. Here is a function prototype:  int TestPrime(long).

Write a program that uses this function TestPrime to print out all prime numbers between 1 and 10,000. Include in your code function calls to the <ctime> library, so that you can determine how long your program takes to complete. See the following example:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <ctime>
int TestPrime( long );
int main()
long Starttime = time(0);
cout << "\nThe starting time is " << Starttime;

for (long i = 1 ; i < 10000; i++)
     if (TestPrime(i) ==1)
              cout << i << " \t ";

 long Endtime = time(0);
 cout <<"\n End time is " << Endtime;

 long Durationtime = Endtime – Starttime;
 cout <<"\n The total length of execution time is" << Durationtime << endl;

Record the time taken. You may modify the number of integers to test (higher or lower) so that the computing time is reasonable on your machine (e.g., not 0 and not too large).

Now let us look at the efficiency issue. You will test if an integer N is prime by determining whether there is an number less than N that will divide into N evenly (using the mod % operation). Now think, is it necessary to check every number less than N for divisibility? No, you need only check the numbers up to square root of N. Why? Rewrite your TestPrime function to check divisibility only up to the square root of N. Now run your program again to see if there is any performance improvement. If time permits, test performance gains for different values including 100,000 and 1,000,000 and higher for the upper limit. What is the largest prime number you can find before the lab is over?