CS121: Homework Project 3
Assigned February 28
Due before midnight March 11

In this assignment you may receive help only from the class teaching assistants and the class professor. You may work in groups of up to two for this assignment.  No sharing of code between groups.

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to gain experience with arrays, strings, pointers and functions.


For this project you will write a program that deals five five-card poker hands, evaluates each hand, and prints out a message indicating the type of hand, e.g., two of a kind, full house, etc.



You may use and modify the program from the text in Fig. 5.24, which you can download from: www.ececs.uc.edu/~annexste/Courses/cs1/ch05/Fig05_24.cpp


You are to modify that program so that the card dealing function deals five five-card poker hands. In addition, you are to write seven functions to accomplish each of the following tasks:


a) Determine if the hand contains a pair.

b) Determine if the hand contains two pairs.

c) Determine if the hand contains three of a kind (e.g., three jacks).

d) Determine if the hand contains a straight (i.e., five cards of consecutive face values).

e) Determine if the hand contains a flush (i.e., all five cards of the same suit).

f) Determine if the hand contains a full-house  (i.e., three fives and two queens).

g) Determine if the hand contains four of a kind (e.g., four aces).


For each hand dealt, your program should print out one message indicating the type of hand. For example,  a sample output might be…


Hand number 1 is:

Eight of Spades          Jack of Spades

Deuce of Spades         Eight of Hearts

Five of Clubs

The hand contains a pair of Eights.


Hand number 2 is:

 Jack of Spades         Seven of Hearts

  Ace of Clubs            Six of Diamonds

 Four of Hearts

The hand contains no pair.


Hand number 3 is:

 Five of Hearts         Three of Spades

Queen of Diamonds       Queen of Spades

Seven of Spades

The hand contains a pair of Queens.



Extra Credit: For extra credit you can write an evaluation function that can be used to determine which is the best hand. Your function should return an integer that can be used to compare two hands  -- the better hand always having the larger value. Use the function to determine which of the five dealt hands is best.